Appears on Panel Program!
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Feb. 9, 1957: "The Homosexual Neurosis?" was the topic of discussion for a highly-interested group of panelists and questioners at the exclusive Clarion Club in Hollywood last Monday evening.
Sponsored by THE SEARCHERS a" non-profit, non-partisan, cooperative, educational activity. . . dedicated to the search for knowledge and understanding of science, philosophy, psychology, literature, and the arts" this panel discussion (one among a continuing series on differing subjects) included views on homosexuality represented by psychology, religion, law and philosophy.
ONE, Inc. was represented and identified on the panel by one of its own members, and presented at some length its own programme on behalf of American homophiles. ONE attacked Freudianism as the sole basis for the interpretation of homosexuality, and defended the social and moral rights of the homosexual to "work out his own salvation" within the context of homosexuality.
The panel members consisted of: Dr. R. H. Lord, Moderator (and Director of THE SEARCHERS); Dr. Robert W. Deobler, Psychologist; Dr. Arthur E. Briggs, Ethical Culture leader and Dean of Law; Rev. Herbert Snyder, of the Liberal Church; Dr. N. D. Tabachnick, Psychiatrist; William D. Lambert of ONE, Inc., Director of ONE's Division of Education; and Messrs. Herbert Selwyn and Haskell Shapiro, Attorneys.
This was ONE's first appearance on a program in which it publicly identified itself and presented its views to an audience convoked by a heterosexual organization. Audience interest reached such a keen pitch that the same panel has been scheduled for another appearance, to a much larger gathering, later in February.